Selçuk Artut

b. 1976, Izmir, Turkey
Lives and works in Istanbul, Turkey


2013    European Graduate School, PhD Media Communications, Switzerland
2005    Middlesex University, MA Sonic Arts, London, UK
1999    Koç University College of Arts and Sciences, BSc.Mathematics,
            Istanbul, Turkey


2016    Cohesion, Zilberman Projects, Istanbul, Turkey
2014    Data Reality, Zilberman Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
2011    Forever, Cda-Projects, Istanbul, Turkey
2011    Solo Presentation, Art Hong Kong, China
2010    A/B, American Hospital Gallery ‘Operation Room’, Istanbul, Turkey


2018    Digilogue/Futuretellers, Zorlu PSM, Istanbul, Turkey
            Coding the Party: Algorave, RAW, Audio and visual performance with
            Alp Tuğan, Salt Beyoğlu, Istanbul, Turkey
            Dystopie sound art festival, Berlin, Germany
            Contemporary Istanbul - Plug in new media section, Istanbul, Turkey
            RAW, Audio and visual performance with Alp Tuğan, Sónar+D, Istanbul,
2017    Futuretellers, Zorlu PSM, Istanbul, Turkey
            RAW, Audio and visual performance with Alp Tuğan, Sound and Music
            Conference, Helsinki, Finland
2016    RAW, Audio and visual performance with Alp Tuğan, Functional Art,
            Nara, Japan
            RAW, Audio and visual performance with Alp Tuğan, Design for
            Creativity, Brighton, UK
            Contemporary Istanbul – Zilberman Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
2015    Wavelengths, Europalia Arts Festival, Belgium
            Formless, Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art. Belgrade, Serbia
            Monochrome Aksanat, Istanbul Turkey
            Contemporary Istanbul - Plug in new media section, Istanbul, Turkey
            Latest Version, Daire Gallery, Istanbul
            Moving Image,Zilberman Gallery, New York, USA
2014    Data-Reality, Zilberman Projects, İstanbul, Turkey
2013    Art 13 London, London, UK
            Contemporary Istanbul - Plug in new media section, Istanbul, Turkey
            Creating Together Exhibition, Lasalle, Singapore
2012    Soundworks, ICA London, UK
2011    Isea2011 Istanbul, Turkey
            Untitled Original, CDA-Projects, Istanbul, Turkey
            E.V.A. Bashimi Art House Gallery, Salzburg, Austria
            Art Stage Singapore
            Existrong, Cda-Projects, Istanbul, Turkey
2010    Cabinet - as theater performer, video artist, sound designer, Theater
            Freiburg, Germany, garajistanbul, İstanbul, Turkey
            Semaine du Cerveau - L’art a L’Hopital Exhibition, Geneva, Switzerland
2009    Younger Than Jesus, Catalog - Newmuseum, NY, USA
2008    NewsPaperBox, File Festival, Sao Paolo
2007    Not Only Possible, But Also Necessary: Optimism in the Age of Global
            War, 10th Istanbul Biennial, Istanbul, Turkey
            Improvhelsinki, Helsinki, Finland


Papers in Conference Proceedings

- Artut, Selçuk, “Data Visualizing Popular Science Fiction Movies with Use of
Circular Hierarchical Edge Bundling”, EVA 2017 SAINT PETERSBURG
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts, St Petersburg/Russia 22-24 June 2017
- Artut, Selçuk, “Live coding for incorporating self-expression “, International
Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities “Challenges: From Diversity
 to Synergy” (ICSSH 2016), ISBN: 978-608-65137-4-0, Skopje, Macedonia
- Artut, Selçuk , "Amarok Pikap – Percussion Playing Truck ", SMC Sound and
Music Computing Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 2013
- Artut, Selçuk and Ocalan, Cem, "NewsPaperBox – Online News Space: a
visual model for representing the social space of a website ", The 3rd
International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics:
IMSCI 2009, USA: IIIS - IMSCI, July 2009
- Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and Germen, Murat and Artut, Selçuk,
"Propagating collaboration: An instructional methodology for artists and
engineers", Schneiderman, B and Fischer, B and Giaccardi, E and Eisenberg,
B (eds.), CC2007: Seeding Creativity: Tools, Media and Environments,
Washington, DC, USA: ACM Press, June 2007, 45-52
- Germen, Murat and Artut, Selçuk and Ayiter, Elif and Balcısoy, Selim and
 Sharir, Yacov, "The representation and navigation of complex data",
Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Education in Computer Aided
Architectural Design in Europe: 24th eCAADe Conference, Volos, Greece:
University of Thessaly, September 2006, 711-720

Papers in Academic Journals

- Artut, Selcuk. “Incorporation of computational creativity in arts education:
Creative coding as an art course.” SHS Web of Conferences. Vol. 37. EDP
Sciences, 2017
- Artut, Selcuk. “Addressing a future with Data Visualization on Science
Fiction Movies: Dystopia or Utopia.” The Turkish Online Journal of Design,
Art and Communication – TOJDAC October 2017 Volume 7 Issue 4, 2017.
DOI 10.7456/10704100/009
- Artut, Selçuk and Ocalan, Cem, "NewsPaperBox – Online News Space: a
visual model for representing the social space of a website ", The Journal on
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume 8 – Number
1 Year 2010 ISSN: 1690-4524


- Data-Reality by Selçuk ARTUT, Atropos Press ISBN : 098942846X, [2013]
(available on
- Forever / Sonsuza by Selçuk ARTUT, CDA-Projects Artist Book [2011]
- A/B by Selcuk ARTUT, American Hospital Publications, ISBN : 978-975-
6523-20-9 [2010]

Book Chapters

- Artut, Selçuk, “Augmented Sculptures: What You See is not What You See”:
Arts and Technology: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences,
Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, Springer
International Publishing, 2015
 - Artut, Selçuk and Güzererler, Ahmet, “Sonicfields : An Immersed Sonic
Experience” : The Visual and Performing Arts: An International Anthology:
Volume II Edited by Stephen Andrew Arbury, ATINER 2012


2012    Full Time Faculty Member, Sabancı University FASS-VA/VCD, Istanbul,
2011    Partner, Filika Interaktif Ltd. Istanbul, Turkey
2000 – 2002    Teaching Assistant, Istanbul Bilgi University Mathematics and
            Computer Science Department, Istanbul, Turkey
1998 – 2000    Research Assistant, Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey


2013    Teaching Award, Sabanci University
2009 – Best Session Paper - SOIC2009 Orlando, Florida,
2006    ADSDOT.NET - Hotlinks Award
            Mydesignaward - Site of the Week Website Award
            Stand Out - Website Award
            SIYAD Best film music award (Replikas)
2005    Middlesex University Regional Award - Middlesex University