12/09/2017 - 04/11/2017
Zilberman Gallery’s project space Zilberman Projects–Istanbul is proud to announce “OHNE TITEL: a selection by Edition Block” to take place between September 13 – November 4, 2017.
The exhibition “OHNE TITEL” will take place simultaneously at Edition Block in Berlin and at Zilberman Gallery in Istanbul, and will showcase two focal points of René Block’s work as a gallerist, publisher and curator: His engagement with multiples and with contemporary art from Turkey. Both have been playing an important role in his work and have accompanied him along his way for many years as he’s been spearheading both fields.
Edition Block was founded in 1966, two years after the opening of Galerie René Block on Schaperstraße in Berlin. This makes Block one of the earliest publishers of multiples and graphic reproductions of international contemporary artists alongside Edition MAT, Multiples Inc., New York and Edition Deposito from Milan. As a curator, Block was one of the major forces behind bringing international visibility to the Turkish art scene, starting with the 1994 exhibition “Iskele. Contemporary Art from Turkey” at the ifa galleries in Berlin, Stuttgart and Bonn. In the following year, this effort culminated in Block directing the 4th Istanbul Biennial titled “Orient/ation” that would permanently place Istanbul on the global art scene map.
It is not very common that two art exhibitions with the exact same works take place at the exact same time in two locations far away from each other. Exhibited works are not “originals” in one location, and “copies” in the other, but original artworks produced as editions, and only existing as editions. This form of art has a centuries old tradition in graphic reproduction, whereas three-dimensional objects as multiples are fairly new. By distributing original works that are significantly less expensive than unique works, editions in this field intend to reach a new and young circle of prospective buyers, and introduce them to contemporary artistic trends.
Edition Block has consistently been featuring works of Turkish artists as part of its programme since 1995. For the first time, the exhibition “OHNE TITEL” will be presenting a survey of the versatility of their works and techniques—on display will be etchings as well as watercolor, offset lithographies, video works, and objects. The exhibition will bring together the works of Halil Altındere, Ayşe Erkmen, Gülsün Karamustafa, Sarkis, Bülent Şangar and Nasan Tur.
For more information on the exhibition, please contact Zilberman Gallery: serhat@zilbermangallery.com.
Artist Pages
- Nevin Aladağ
- Halil Altındere
- Ayşe Erkmen
- Gülsün Karamustafa
- Aydan Murtezaoğlu
- Ebru Özseçen
- Bülent Şangar
- Nasan Tur
- Sarkis