Young Fresh Different - VI
03/07/2015 - 01/08/2015
Moderator: Işın Önol
Jury members: Aslı Çetinkaya, Johanna Reiner, Burçak Bingöl
Galeri Zilberman is pleased to present 6th edition of the Young Fresh Different. The exhibition will be opened on Saturday, July 4 at Galeri Zilberman’s space on the third floor of Mısır Apartmanı. Young Fresh Different is being organized through an open call for young artists as one of the different projects alongside the main exhibitions of Galeri Zilberman. Each year applications are evaluated by different and independent jury members, and this year’s Young Fresh Different selection was carried out by Işın Önol as moderator, along with Aslı Çetinkaya, Johanna Reiner and Burçak Bingöl as a representative of the gallery.
Young Fresh Different VI features the works of Ahu Akkan, Berke Doğanoğlu, Sırma Doruk, Akın Güreş, Neval Nisan Güven, Burak Kabadayı, Hasan Baran Kurtoğlu, Can Küçük, Ali Şentürk and Hasan Özgür Top. Announced by a nation-wide open call with the aim of supporting young artists, Galeri Zilberman’s Young Fresh Different is the last exhibition of the season every year. The selection accepts all applications from artists under 35 years of age and does not have any limitations on subject or material. Also offering a financial incentive to support young artists, Young Fresh Different VI can be visited until August 1 at Galeri Zilberman.
Artist Pages
- Ahu Akkan
- Akın Güreş
- Ali Şentürk
- Berke Doğanoğlu
- Burak Kabadayı
- Can Küçük
- Hasan Baran Kurtoğlu
- Hasan Özgür Top
- Neval Nisan Güven
- Sırma Doruk