Young Fresh Different VIII

05/07/2017 - 29/07/2017

Zilberman Gallery–Istanbul is pleased to present the 8th edition of Young Fresh Different. The exhibition will take place at the gallery’s main exhibition space in Mısır Apartmanı, Istanbul between July 5 – July 29, 2017.

Young Fresh Different is being organized through an open call for young artists as one of the different projects alongside the main exhibitions of Zilberman Gallery. Each year applications are evaluated by different and independent jury members, and this year’s Young Fresh Different selection was carried out by curator Nazlı Gürlek as moderator, Mari Spirito, curator; Banu Çarmıklı, collector and writer; and artist Burçak Bingöl as a representative of the gallery.

Young Fresh Different VIII features works of Fulden Aran, Ayşe Hilal Ateş, Özgür Atlagan, Cihad Caner, Meliha Gündüz, Gülşah Mursaloğlu, Nconen, Cemil Toprak, Levent Yıldız, Müge Yıldız and Damla Yücebaş.

Announced by a nation-wide open call with the aim of supporting young artists, Zilberman Gallery’s Young Fresh Different is the last exhibition of the season every year. The selection accepts all applications from artists under 35 years of age and does not have any limitations on subject or material. Also offering a financial incentive to support artists, Young Fresh Different VIII can be visited until July 29 at Zilberman Gallery–Istanbul.

For more information about the exhibition, please contact Serhat Cacekli:


Artist Pages
  - Çağatay Yıldırım a.k.a Nconen
  - Cihad Caner
  - Cemil Toprak
  - Ayşe Hilal Ateş
  - Özgür Atlagan
  - Müge Yıldız
  - Meliha Gündüz
  - Levent Yıldız
  - Gülşah Mursaloğlu
  - Fulden Aran
  - Damla Yücebaş

Exhibition Works