Pedro Gómez-Egaña and Simon Wachsmuth at Diözesanmuseum, Bamberg, Germany (29/08/2019)

Pedro Gómez-Egaña and Simon Wachsmuth are part of the group exhibition ‘Der Funke Gottes’, curated by Holger Kempkens, director of Diözesanmuseum, and Alexander Ochs, taking place at the Diözesanmuseum in Bamberg from July 27 to November 10, 2019. Presented in the cloister and all rooms of the baroque treasure house, the show brings together the existing baroque collection and works of contemporary sculpture, painting, photography and video art. The exhibition further includes works by Marina Abramović, Ai Weiwei, Nobuyoshi Araki, Robert Barta, Ernst Barlach, Joseph Beuys, Guillaume Bruère, Dany Chan, Julian Charrière, Oliver Clegg, Valerie Favre, Anke Feuchtenberger, Katharina Fritsch, Antony Gormley, Richard Haizmann, Jeppe Hein, Michael Müller, Mwangi Hutter, Hermann Nitsch and Andy Warhol a.o.