Carlos Aires at Overdose exhibition at Design Museum Holon (03/11/2022)

Overdose featured the interpretation given by some 150 artists and designers to everyday objects – all from the Galila Barzilai Hollander Collection, which includes thousands of contemporary art and design works from Israel and abroad. Each of the galleries alluded to a familiar domestic environment, and each installation reconstructs an everyday scene. The change of perspective allows for the revelation of the strange in the familiar, the intimate in the public, and the implicit in the excessive. The exhibition took place at the Design Museum Holon from 25 April to 30 July 2022. Aires also gave a talk with Ana Illueca and Eduardo J. Texeira-Alves on 22 July as part of the exhibition.

Image: Carlos Aires, Money Makes the World Go Round (dollar version), 2016, Collection Galila Barzilai Hollander.