Heba Y. Amin and Itamar Gov were at Laqlaq Sessions within the scope of Documenta 15 (04/11/2022)

Curated by Naz Cuguoglu, Laqlaq Sessions feature work by Joud Al-Tamimi, Heba Y. Amin, Itamar Gov, Göksu Kunak, Natascha Sadr Haghighian, Ashkan Sepahvand, and Ali Yass. The sessions take its title from a wordplay: translating as “stork” in Arabic, Laqlaq also has a double meaning in Turkish: the clacking noise made by storks, and talking rapidly, uttering meaningless sounds. This kind of babbling, chattering, gibbering can appear to be irrelevant for most. What makes the stork and its tongue so extraneous - an outsider and without any vital role? And what if this babbling is indeed fruitful for underrepresented communities? Is the act of making noise in fact a survival methodology to take up space? The Laqlaq Sessions, which focused on the experience of "migration" through various artistic practices, were held from September 1st to 2nd at ruruHaus, documenta 15, Kassel. Heba Y. Amin took part in the program with her work General's Stork and Itamar Gov with his work Anatolian Phantom-Limbs.
