Janet Bellotto at the exhibition As Islands (01/06/2024)

The idea of mountains as islands evokes a time when the Dolomites were atolls of a tropical sea and opens up to a fearful tomorrow with lands that are submerged by the waves. It takes inspiration from the rise in sea levels, the loss of glaciers and the unbalance between the elements, and deals with the concepts of change and time, between a past long before us and threats of the future. We imagine ourselves isolated from the rest due to the arrogant illusion of superiority of the contemporary human being and the physical and emotional detachment that characterizes this digital age. The exhibition, curated by Stefano Cagol, will run from June 1 to October 27, 2024, at Castel Belasi contemporary art center, a medieval castle in the Alps in Campodenno, Italy. 

Please click here for more information. 

Image: Janet Bellotto, Claim: Not to Fall into the Sea, 2023