Jaffa Lam Laam at the exhibition A Constellation of Cities: Contemporary Art and Experiment in Southern China and Beyond (01/05/2024)

The BAI'ETAN GBA Art Center had opened to the public on May 1, 2024. During the May Day holiday, curators, public educators, and volunteer teams from the museum provide multiple expert-guided activities to share the stories behind the opening exhibitions, such as "Ode to the New Era", "Timeless Verses: Renaissance and Baroque Masterpieces from Galleria Borghese" and "A Constellation of Cities: Contemporary Art and Experiment in Southern China and Beyond", enabling visitors to experience the charm of art originals and the cultural characteristics of the GBA. 

The exhibition A Constellation of Cities seeks to incorporate core domestic urban clusters such as Beijing and Shanghai into a comparative framework, extending to Southeast Asia, Asia, and Western art fields with Eastern influences. Through mutual reflection, it aims to explore the diversity of Southern cultural and artistic networks and the contours of cross-border exchanges and connections. The exhibition is on display until October 31, 2024 at Guangdong Museum of Art (Baietan). 

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