Elmas Deniz at Bilsart, Istanbul (14/02/2021)

Elmas Deniz's exhibition titled A Conversation at the Isle of Molluskus took place in Bilsart between 2-14 December 2020. The video, which the artist planned in Berlin and shot in the Aegean Sea, carries a kind of irony of the lack of communication of the person who tries to connect with other non-human creatures but cannot manage it. The artist focuses on measuring and thinking everything according to human beings, the relationship between nature and other living things, and the formation of reality according to us. The video, which deals with anthropocentrism and anthropomorphism, sets out on a philosophical research that can be called the "politics of dimensions". The video, which the artist planned in Berlin and shot in the Aegean Sea, carries a kind of irony of the lack of communication of the person who tries to connect with other non-human creatures but cannot manage it.