Özlem Şimşek at “Kimlikli Bedenler” (Bodies with Identity) and FotoFest (04/04/2014)

In her new book “Kimlikli Bedenler” (Bodies with Identity), Ahu Antmen investigates the cultural patterns of body around identity, through various works of art, made at separate periods in time.


In the article named “Hanımlara Mahsus Beylere Vazife” (Reserved for Women, Trusted to Men) Ahu Antmen focusses on Özlem Şimşek's mimetic works while mentioning the Western sources Turkish artists may have looked at when they were creating their own image of the modern woman.


For more information on the book, please visit:



Şimşek also features at FotoFest 2014 with two of her works. The festival in which Arab culture is examined through art, the artist's work will be exhibited at The Houston Club along with Dick Simon and Sandra Chen Weinstein. The festival will take place between 15 March and 27 April in Houston, Texas.
