Yane Calovski has been selected as one of the artists and researchers in residence for L’association Facteur de Ciel (06/02/2024)
Yane Calovski is invited as one of the five fellows in 2024 at L'association Facteur de Ciel in Grass, France, to create a new work exploring the interplay between existing, inconclusive modernist narratives and the nonlinearity of collective memory, furthering his research on the personal archive of Pascal Schöning, an architect, sculptor, writer, and professor who taught conceptual architecture at the London School of the Architecture Association (A.A.) from 1983 to 2008, delving deeper in theories of Cinematic Architecture in the context of contemporary urban landscapes. This year, alongside Yane, the other chosen fellows are Bat Sheva Papillon, documentary film director Anaïs Gournay, and Louise Arcangioli, actresses, directors, and founders of the company CONTRE-FEUX and Agathe Bedard, documentary film director.
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Photo credit: Jean-Jacques Valès