Pressemitteilung - YOUNG FRESH DIFFERENT - IV
21/06/2013 - 27/07/2013
Moderator: Ali Akay
Jury members: Claude Closky, Seza Paker, Burçak Bingöl
The 4th edition of “Young Fresh Different” opens its doors at Cda-Projects at Mısır Apartment.
A new independent selection committee is formed every year to evaluate the applications. This year the committee consisted of Ali Akay (president), Claude Closky, Seza Paker and Burçak Bingöl as representative of the gallery.
The 16 young artists selected for this 4th edition utilise a wide variety of materials, ranging from photography to video, from painting to performance; touching subjects both personal and social, as well as their connections to urban life and the environment. The artists selected this year are: Asliemk, Ayşe Kurşuncu, Beril Gür, Buğra Erol, Can Akgümüş, Cem Aktaş, Gizem Karakaş, Güler Aşık, H. Çağlar Kırtı, Sarp Kerem Yavuz, Seda Yıldız, Şafak Gürboğa, Şeyda Ünal, Simone Bailey, Tuğba Çeliktir and Zoe Baraton.
“Young Fresh Different” is announced nationwide by Cda-Projects as an open call every year to support young artists and the chosen works are presented in the last exhibition of the season. There are no restrictions or limitations in terms of content or medium and anyone under the age of 35 can apply. “Young Fresh Different” also offers an honorarium to support young artists and can be visited at Cda-Projects at Mısır Apartmant until July 27th.
Artist Pages
- Aslie Mk
- Ayşe Kurşuncu
- Beril Gür
- Buğra Erol
- Can Akgümüş
- Cem Aktaş
- Gizem Karakaş
- Güler Aşık
- H. Çağlar Kırtı
- Sarp Kerem Yavuz
- Seda Yıldız
- Simone Bailey
- Şafak Gürboğa
- Şeyda Ünal & Fatma Hasbolat
- Tuğba Çeliktir
- Zoé Baraton